Monday, September 7, 2015

Powershell delete active directory user account...a little bit better

Hi mates,
how many times you asked to yourself : how can I delete active directory users ?
How can I do it storing administrative credentials and converting the result in JSON format ?
A friend of mine asked me a simple script to should be executed in a mixed environment : Linux/PHP and Windows.
He has to delete an active directory user account having as a back result, a JSON converted string.
Additionally he asked me to capture eventual errors
Let's see what I've done....quickly :

Friday, September 4, 2015

Import wildcard certificates on Citrix Netscaler VPX (from IIS)

Hi mates,
how many times you asked to yourself : how can I import wildcard certificates on my Citrix Netsclaer ? <br>
I had to add, to a friend's Netscaler, a wildcard certificate. The certificate request was done from an IIS (Windows 2008 R2) and then it was installed on it including the Intermediate Cert.
My Netscaler version is 10.1.
So let's try to describe briefly the steps to reach this goal :

Export the main wildcard certficates from Windows server 

1. Open MMC --> Add/Remove Snap-in...--> Certificates --> Computer Account. Here below you can see the certificate inside the Personal storage

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Powershell verify and create a registry item

Hi mates,
how many times you asked to yourself : how can I create or check registry keys ?
I had the need to automate the check of a registry key for a customer SCCM clients.
This key was important for roadwarrior users as for internal ones.
If the key exists we have to overwrite it, if the key does not exists we have to inform our administrator about the exception triggered.